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Touch Therapeutic use (Topical Term)

Preferred form: Touch Therapeutic use
Used for/see from:
  • Healing touch
  • Imposition of hands Therapeutic use
  • Therapeutic touch
See also:

National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Energy medicine Web site, Apr. 10, 2007 (Therapeutic touch and related practices. Numerous other practices have evolved over the years to promote or maintain the balance of vital energy fields in the body. Examples of these modalities include Therapeutic Touch, healing touch, Reiki, Johrei, vortex health, and polarity therapy. All these modalities involve movement of the practitioner's hands over the patient's body to become attuned to the condition of the patient, with the idea that by so doing, the practitioner is able to strengthen and reorient the patient's energies.)

Gale encyc. of alternative medicine, 2005: p. 2005 (Therapeutic touch: a noninvasive method of healing derived from ancient laying-on of hands technique. In TT, the practitioner alters the patient's energy field through a transfer of energy from the hands of the practitioner to the patient. Therapeutic touch was developed in 1972 by Dora Kunz, a psychic healer, and Dolores Krieger, a nurse and professor of nursing at New York University) p. 2399 (touch therapies)

MeSH browser, June 29, 2007 (Therapeutic Touch. Scope note: Placing of the hands of the healer upon the person to be cured with the intent of spiritual energetic healing.)

Kligler, B. Integrative medicine, 2004: p. 933 (touch therapy)

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